The world seems to be getting smaller by the minute. That has many advantages, but you might also feel the weight of the competition over your shoulders. With so many other companies offering the same solutions you do, why should a client choose you?
Let's find out.
If it’s a prospect, then…
Closing a deal with a company that isn’t the right fit might bring more problems than benefits. This is why we need to be sure the prospect we’re negotiating with is the right one for the company goals, the specific moment the business is going through, and the future plans for that prospect regarding our growth.
The first step
So we might all assume that the very first step is to have a system to qualify leads. And of course, to be able to qualify them, we also need:
To get a constant flow of leads.
To understand what the company is after.
We mean that if our company is desperate for a new client, any old piece of bread will calm our hunger. We will sign a contract with any company knocking on our door without knowing whether they are the right fit for us.
Once we get a flow of leads interested in our work, then we also get the chance to choose –and become pickier.
Out of all the leads that contact us requesting a quote or asking about our services, only a percentage of them will be the right fit for us.
The second point is to understand what is the right move for our company. Are we trying to position ourselves in a certain way? Maybe as experts, or maybe we’re just trying to penetrate the market. Our price structure will say a lot about us: are we competing by setting low prices, or, on the other hand, are our prices higher than our competitors due to our experience and expertise?
So many questions, and you are the only one that can answer them. But it’s important that you answer them.
The Buyer Personas
Building the Personas template will be a great input for the marketing and sales team: with this element, they will know who their audience is, how they need to talk to them, and what are their pains and needs.
The right way to build a Persona is to get as deep as you can: name, age, hobbies, and interests… if you either don’t have the time or you don’t yet have the knowledge to describe your Personas thoroughly, then write down a paragraph about how they are, what problem they have and where can you reach them.
You now know who you are after and where to find them. So, why would they choose you?
You and not the others
At Sud Creative, we work with many companies that look just like the one next to them: they offer similar benefits to their employees, services to their clients, and a similar website to their competitors.
The problem is that, for an external buyer, one company sounds just like the other.
Many software companies offer discovery services, where they go over the planning on a future app to understand what good it will offer their users: that is what you should do over your own company.
Finding out what makes you stand out from the rest will lead to two great results:
First, you’ll gain insights into your own business –giving you a chance to present it differently to the audience.
Second, you’ll feel so proud of what you’re doing.
Show, don’t tell
When writing a movie script, the main premise is show, don’t tell. This is because we get to know the character with their actions, not words. Same thing in real life. And it works the same also in business.
Once you’ve defined the elements that set you apart from the rest, it’s time to show how those differences are what makes you the best choice in the market for the right audience.
And make sure what you’re showing is the truth. Maya Angelou said, “people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” And here is where we need to focus: you might say the things that make you stand out and show things to your audience. But if those things are not true, people won’t forget how you made them feel.
Closing Arguments
Choosing the wrong client might bring more problems than benefits to a business: from internal friction with team members to not getting the chance to showcase or grow with a project that might consume lots of hours.
But understanding who’s our ideal client also means understanding who we are ideal for. Don’t be shy about proving who you are and how you can solve your clients' pains.
At Sud Creative, we work heavily on discovering what makes a company different and unique. If you need help in that area, give us a call!